NR Soldier Of The Year – 2024

The National Regiment
2024 Soldier of the Year

This annual recognition is awarded to a National Regiment member in “good standing” who meets, at least, five of the criteria beyond required item 10 listed below:

  1. Leads by example
    a. Impression (uniform and equipment) are accurate as practicable
    b. Treats others civilly
    c. Asks no one to carry out a task not carried out by one asking
  2. Exhibits very good military bearing
    a. Desire to know and accurately carry out period:
    1.Manual of arms
    2. Drill
    3. Battalion evolutions
  1. Puts self before others
  2. Knowing the material culture and deportment on the field
    a. Exhibit eagerness for learning
    b. Reads Military manuals
    c. Reads literature pertaining to the subject matter
  3. Attendance
    a. School of the Soldier
    b. Camps of Instruction
    c. Participates in max events on a regular basis
  4. Mentors others
    a. Teaches others
  5. Assumes leadership roles without complaint
  6. Positive and enthusiastic attitude – “whatever we do we do well.”
  7. Takes initiative – steps up when needed with “alacrity and promptitude.”
  8. NR Member in good standing

This is not a popularity contest, but one recognizing leadership, enthusiasm, and other qualities.  A medal is presented by the Colonel during dress parade prior to the Remembrance Day parade.  Nominations in writing accepted by the NR Board no later than Friday, November 1 and must be accompanied with a statement regarding the person’s qualifications for consideration by the NR board. As an aside, sitting NR board members are not eligible given the conflict-of-interest potential.
Eric Ford; James Thomas; Paul Parvis